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Team Members

Heleen Slagter

Heleen Slagter

Principal Investigator

Director of the Cognition & Plasticity laboratory, Professor Brain, Cognition, and Plasticity at the Department of Applied and Experimental Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Caterina Trentin

Caterina Trentin

PhD student

Caterina's PhD project examines the action-orientedness of working memory and attention

Litian Chen

Litian Chen

PhD student

Litian is interested in attention and learning.

Brendan Hutchinson

Brendan Hutchinson


Consciousness; Meditation; Cognitive Neuroscience

Jet Lageman

Jet Lageman

PhD student

Jet is interested in the relationship between action and perception from the perspective of active inference.

Chris Jungerius

Chris Jungerius

PhD student

Chris is interested in how statistical and contextual learning guide perception and attention

Surya Selvam

Surya Selvam

PhD student

In his PhD project, Surya examines the plasticity and automaticity of the predictive mind, using meditation.

Cognition and Plasticity Laboratory, Dept of Applied and Experimental Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


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